This page outlines the Application Instructions and Submittal Requirements necessary to obtain a site plan permit within the City of Austin's jurisdiction (full-purpose and limited-purpose city limits). The regulatory requirements and approval procedures are defined in Volume III, Chapter 25 of the City of Austin Land Development Code (LDC).
The application and checklist are available on the Forms & Applications webpage . Additional information about the site plan permitting process can be found by visiting the Site Plans, Exemptions, and Corrections webpage .
All requirements can also be found in the City of Austin Land Development Code .
The application must be complete and accurate before submitting. Please refer to the following descriptions to ensure all information is entered correctly. All information is required (if applicable).
Choose the Application type
Your project may qualify as a small project if all conditions required by Land Development Code 25-5-3 are met:
Small projects have reduced fees, shorter review times, and do not require notification.
Provide the name of the proposed project.
Project Street Address (or range)
Provide the project's street address or range of addresses for all streets abutting the property. For assistance, call 512-974-2797 or email . For more information, visit the Address Management Services webpage .
Description of Proposed Development
Provide a summary description of the proposed project, including the type of development, number of buildings, and other proposed site improvements such as parking, water quality/detention ponds, landscaping, etc.
Legal Description or Subdivision Reference
The site plan will not be released unless it has been determined that the tract is a legal lot/tract. This determination will be made during the review process. If it cannot be determined that the tract is a legal lot/tract, the applicant will be requested to prove legal lot status or subdivide. If a subdivision is required, it must be recorded prior to the release of the site plan.
Legal Description example:
Provide the volume, document number, and page numbers of the deed conveying the property to the present owner and the total size of the property conveyed. This information is on the deed or is available from the title company or through the County Appraisal District.
Tax Parcel Number(s)
These numbers may be found on the tax plats or tax certificates you are providing.
Provide all contact information. If an agent is designated, this is considered the “Applicant” and will be the primary contact.
If the owner is not the applicant, provide all contact information. The current owner must sign the application or attach a written authorization for the agent. Be sure all signatures are legible and address information is correct.
Provide all engineer contact information, if applicable.
Other Professional/Trade Information
Provide all professional and/or trade contact information, if applicable. Examples include general contractors, electrical contractors, and landscape architects.
Affordable Housing Programs
Tax Credits or State/Federal Funding
Indicate if there are tax credits or state/federal funding.
Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) are directly funded and maintained by the City of Austin (or city department) or feature an explicit agreement to qualify as CIP. Projects range from street reconstruction and water/wastewater infrastructure improvements to new fire stations and libraries.
School Project (AISD/Charter School)
We recognize the development of independent school districts within the City of Austin’s full-purpose jurisdiction as a public primary educational facility per LDC 25-2-6(37), inclusive of open enrollment charter schools as defined under the Texas Education Code.
Provide the name of the school district that this project is located within.
If the site plan includes the demolition of an existing building(s) or structure(s), one photograph with an oblique view (front and side façade in the same photo) for each building to be demolished must be submitted with the application.
Number of Newly Proposed Residential Units (if applicable)
Indicate the number of living units for all multifamily projects.
Current Watershed Protection Regulations
To determine the following information , refer to the GIS Viewer, Property Profile:
In order to determine if your project is not subject to current watershed regulations, submit the Project Review Form (formerly Chapter 245 Review form). The form must be approved for Vested Rights Review prior to submittal of the completeness check application.
Hill Country Roadway
The following information is required when a project is located within a Hill Country Roadway Corridor (see Land Development Code Chapter 25-2, Article 11 for more information):
Principal Street Type
Please refer to Land Development Code 25-2, Subchapter E, to determine your project’s street type.
To determine whether this site is located within a neighborhood plan, visit the Long Range Planning webpage.
Visit the Plans, Regulations, and Special Projects webpage to determine whether this site is located within a TOD District, the North Burnet Gateway (NBG), or the East Riverside Corridor (ERC).
To determine whether this site is located within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) or Planned Development Agreement (PDA), visit the Office of the City Clerk webpage.
To determine the following information , refer to the GIS Viewer, Property Profile:
Great Street Program
Visit the Great Streets Program webpage to learn more information and requirements.
Property owners must obtain a license agreement with the City of Austin to temporarily encroach into a public right-of-way or an easement for the private use of a structure or improvement (see City Code Chapter 14-11). The City reserves the right to give the Licensee 90 days' notice to remove the encroaching improvement. The following are the most common examples of when license agreements are required: Tower cranes, retention or excavation support systems, streetscapes, awnings, canopies, benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, street trees, landscaping, irrigation, outdoor dining areas or pedestrian lighting.
Visit the Land Development Engineering webpage to learn more about the License Agreement requirements and application process.
Provide the name for each of the following:
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA)
A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) determination is required prior to the submittal of the site plan application. This determination is made by the Transportation and Public Works Department . Check whether a Transportation Impact Analysis is required to complete the TIA Determination Worksheet and to learn more about the TIA requirements.
Large Retail Use
According to Ordinance # 20070215-072 a large retail use (100,000 sq. ft. or greater) requires a Conditional Use Permit from the Land Use Commission.
Land Development Code 25-2-491 provides a table listing permitted and conditional uses for each zoning district. “P” means a permitted use, “C” means a conditional use, and “X” means a use is prohibited. A conditional use site plan permit requires approval from the Land Use Commission.
Development Assessment or Concept Site Plan
If you have received a Development Assessment or Concept Site Plan Application, indicate the file number. For received Development Assessments, Intake staff will apply the credit associated with the assessment to your application fee. The assessment credit is void if not used within six months.
If off-site parking is requested, the site plan must show the primary use, the off-site parking, and the property address and legal description of both sites. To assure the continued availability of the parking, a written agreement between the owner of the off-site parking and the owner of the primary use is required. In addition, an Off-Site/Shared Parking Application and fees are required. Consult with the Transportation and Public Works Department for more details.
If shared parking approval is being requested under Section 25-6-476, a Shared Parking Analysis is required. In addition, an Off-Site/Shared Parking Application and fees are required. Consult with the Transportation and Public Works Department for more details.
Indicate the gross and net site area and the limits of construction. See Section 25-1-21(44) of the Land Development Code for a definition of Gross Site Area, and Section 25-8-62 for a definition of Net Site Area.
Complete the chart, indicating the zoning (within the City limits), existing and proposed uses, and area of each tract. If there is only one tract, refer to it as Tract 1.
Indicate the existing and proposed percent of impervious cover. Impervious cover is anything that prevents water from percolating into the ground, such as buildings, drives, concrete pads or walkways, compacted surfaces for driving, etc. For questions, consult the Land Development Information Services (LDIS).
Underground Storage Tanks
If underground storage tanks are existing or proposed, additional review will be required.
Provide the file numbers which relate to applications on this property that have been filed in the past.
Consult with Land Development Information Services (LDIS) to determine the following information:
Indicate all waivers, variances, or alternatives being pursued in this application. Identifying the need for these at the beginning of the process may help prevent delays.
When requesting a variance, please include in the Engineer’s Summary Letter a description of the variance and justification, and the applicable ordinance and section from which you are requesting a variance.
Indicate the tree information that is being impacted by the development.
Ensure all information entered in the application is complete and accurate before signing.
As part of the application process, provide permission for inspection of the property. If a gate exists on the property, provide the contact information.
The applicant should carefully check the subdivision plat note/deed restrictions records before signing the Acknowledgment Form. Plat notes are shown on the face of the subdivision plat. Plats are available at the City or the Courthouse. Deed restrictions are recorded at the Courthouse. If you do not have them in your possession the certificate is still required. The tax certificate should indicate that no taxes are owed.
No construction plans will be accepted unless accompanied by a summary letter signed and sealed by the same registered Texas professional engineer who sealed the construction plans. Summary letters for small projects do not require an engineer unless slopes or trenches exceed five feet (see City of Austin LDC Sec. 25-5-3).
The summary letter should describe the proposed development and might include, but not limited to, the following:
Visit the Address Management Services webpage and refer to “Guides and Instructions" for additional details.
All plan view drawings shall also include the following items:
A profile view shall be provided for all wastewater mains (identify and public or private) and shall also include the following items:
The Environmental Requirements (PDF) establishes submittal requirements for all environmental ordinances. Certain requirements may be waived by the Director of the Watershed Protection Department if they are determined by the Director to not be applicable.
The following are additional environmental requirements and documents for a Consolidated Site Plan Application:
Provide a completed ERI per ECM 1.3.1 or a previously approved ERI waiver per ECM 1.3.2 that meets the criteria described in LDC 25-8-121 to 125 and ECM 1.3.0.
Land Development Engineering reviews development plans for constructability and right-of-way code compliance. This team also assists the public with obtaining rights to use the City right-of-way and easements (streets, sidewalks, alleys, public utilities) through various means, depending on the project. Visit the Land Development Engineering webpage for information, requirements, and the application process for temporary and permanent encroachments.
A License Agreement is required for temporary encroachments. The following are the most common examples of when license agreements are required:
An Encroachment Agreement is required for permanent encroachments. The following examples are when an encroachment agreement is required:
If temporary or permanent encroachments are proposed, submit the applicable agreement to Land Development Engineering. The agreement must be approved before the Formal Site Plan Application is approved and released.
Regional Stormwater Management Program (RSMP) Requirements
If an engineered Traffic Control Plan (T.C.P.) is not provided, work-specific details must be noted in the plan view.
The following information is required when a project is subject to the Compatibility Standards of Sections 25-2-1051, 25-2-1052, 25-2-1061 through 1068, 25-2-1081, and 25-2-1082:
In addition to the information required by subsections I and II of this section, the following information is required when a project is located within a Hill Country Roadway Corridor:
The following information is required when a project is subject to the Design Standards in Subchapter E of Chapter 25-2:
When a project is subject to the Design Standards in Subchapter E of Chapter 25-2, a plan showing the following information is required:
Exterior lighting plans shall be submitted for all projects subject to the Subchapter E Design Standards of Chapter 25-2. The plans shall include the following:
Show compliance with the requirements as defined in Sec. 25-2-731 through 745 of the LDC.
Show compliance with the requirements as defined in LDC 25-2-591 through 594.
The following information is required when a project requires a Green Building Program Rating:
The following is required when a project is for any type of adult-oriented business regulated by Sec. 25-2-801:
The following information is required when a project is requesting off-site parking:
With the application to allow on-street parking on Core Transit Corridors within the City limits, an engineering study shall be submitted and prepared by a Professional Engineer with proficiency in Traffic Engineering. The minimal requirements for the study are:
The following information is required when a project is requesting off-site parking:
The following information is required when a project is requesting a reduction in the minimum off-street parking requirements per Sec. 2.4.2 of Subchapter E, Chapter 25-2 - Design Standards and Mixed Use:
The following items or notes should be shown:
Visit the PDC Appointments webpage to schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with the appropriate workgroup.
Visit the Site Plan webpage and click the blue chat bubble in the lower-right corner to chat with Site Plan Review Intake staff. Depending on the question, an appointment may be recommended. Visit the About Development Services webpage to view chat hours.