Yes, California employees have rights under the Ralph Civil Rights Act and the Bane Civil Rights Act if they have suffered violence or intimidation at work. Under the Ralph Civil Rights Act of 1976, all employee sin California have the right to be free from any violence or intimidation by threat of violence against them or their property because of their actual or perceived position in a labor dispute, their gender, race, religion, or any other protected characteristic.
That The Defendant Committed Or Threatened To Commit An Act Of Violence Against Them Because Of The Victim’s Actual Or Perceived Characteristic
The Bane Civil Rights Act also forbids people from interfering with a person’s state or federal constitutional rights using threats or intimidation. In Los Angeles Employment Attorneys, the Bane act also fills in gaps in the Ralph Civil Rights Act by allowing victims to seek temporary restraining orders or preliminary or permanent injunctions to prevent the threatened violence from occurring.