Can I add a signature in Word for the web?

While Word for the web has no command for inserting your signature, you can scan your signature and store it as a picture you insert in the document.

Create and insert a handwritten signature

You need a scanner to do this.

<a href=Click Picture on the Insert tab to add a picture from files on your computer." />

  1. Write your signature on a piece of paper.
  2. Scan the page and save it on your computer in a common file format: BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG. For information on how to use your scanner, use the manufacturer’s manual or website.
  3. Open the file and crop the image in a photo editing program.
  4. Save the cropped image to a file, and remember its location.
  5. To add the signature to a document in Word for the web, click in the document to place the cursor where you want your signature to appear.
  6. Click Insert >Picture.

If you already own the Word desktop application, you can use it to do more with signatures. If not, you can try or buy the latest version of Office now.

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